Jacob N. Kinnard
Professor of Comparative Religions
Director of the Master of Theological Studies degree
Contact Information
- Phone: (303) 765-3164
- Fax: Fax: (303) 777-0164
- Email: jkinnard@iliff.edu
- B.A., Bowdoin College
- M.A., University of Chicago
- Ph.D., University of Chicago
Jacob N. Kinnard is Professor of Comparative Religions. He teaches a range of courses
on the religions of India and methodological and theoretical issues, including course on
pilgrimage, religion and violence, and religion and the environment. He is the author of
Places in Motion: The Fluid Identities of Temples, Images, and Pilgrims (Oxford),
Imaging Wisdom: Seeing and Knowing in the Art of Indian Buddhism (Routledge), and
The Emergence of Buddhism (Fortress), and he co-edited the volume Constituting
Communities: Theravada Traditions in South and Southeast Asia (SUNY). Kinnard
earned his BA from Bowdoin College, and an MA and PhD from the University of
News & Awards
“The Ride Home,” 850 KOA Radio – February 09, 2010 Tiger Woods and Buddhism
Jacob Kinnard provides expert commentary on “The Ride Home,” talk radio program. Professor Kinnard’s segment can be heard at 20:25 of the 31:31 minute program link.
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- 850 KOA Radio. Jacob Kinnard is interviewed on “The Ride Home,” talk radio program, regarding Tiger Woods and Buddhism, Feb. 19, 2010. Professor Kinnard’s segment can be heard at 20:25 of the 31:31 minute program link.