Board of Trustees – 

Sheila Johnson

Trustee Board Member

Rev. Sheila Johnson

Student Affairs Committe Co-Chair

Denver, CO


University of Texas, El Paso, TX
University of Denver, Denver, CO, BA/BS, Finance
Iliff School of Theology, MDIV., Pastoral Care

Rev. Sheila is an experienced pastor, teacher, preacher, chaplain, and pastoral caregiver.

Currently serving as an Elder, Life Champion, ministry leader, Chosen ministry partner, and prayer leader at Colorado Community Church, Aurora, Colorado.

Founder and Executive Director of The Lydia Project, LLC, 2017-now
CEO and founder of Baker Pastoral Consulting. LLC, 2021-now
Member of the Board of Directors of Iliff School of Theology, 2022-now
Past Board member of Open Door Ministries.

Hobbies include writing, art, sewing, reading, and jazz enthusiast




Board Dates of Service

2023 – present

Board Committee(s)

Student Affairs; Academic Affairs